Top 6 Tips for Spectating the Ironman World Championships in Kona
So, your significant other, brother, sister, parent or 3rd cousin twice removed has qualified for Kona and, of course, you have decided...

Peppermint Patties
I love peppermint and chocolate… well I love chocolate anything really. I have been playing around with this vegan, no refine sugar...

Race Nutrition for the Traveling Athlete
Every December I plan out my races for the year. Since we don’t live by many triathlon races and with my love for travel I tend to pick a...

Santevia Review
Water is the most important substance in the human body and on earth. It’s in all of our bodily fluids and is in almost every bodily...

6 Ways to Eat Less Junk Food
Sometimes life gets so busy because we try and do it all – spend time with family, friends, training, races, or events. It’s so easy to...

Athlete Spotlight: Jennifer Faraone
The Athlete's Palate is dedicated to empowering athletes by encouraging wellness through holistic nutrition and sport in our community. ...

Fermented Food Series #2 - Sauerkraut
In part one of the fermentation series we talked about fermented foods. Now let's talk about a healthy gut and how it impacts your well...

Spaghetti Squash
The other night I was having one of those nights where I didn’t want to cook but needed a quick and healthy meal that would be filling....

Athlete Spotlight: Kaila
The Athlete's Palate is dedicated to empowering athletes by encouraging wellness through holistic nutrition and sport in our community. ...

Enerex Greens Review
According to the Canadian food guide, a normally active adult should consume between 7 and 10 servings of fruit and vegetables each day....